Ensa Home Service
Your security in everyday life.
Home care
If you have difficulty managing everyday tasks at home due to age, illness, or disability, you can receive home care services to continue living in your home. You can get help with personal care, shopping, cleaning, meals, and much more.
Additional services
Additional services can be purchased as a supplement to the home service if you want something beyond what is granted in your assistance decision. The services can also be ordered by those who do not have home care but need extra help at home
Ensa Hemtjänst is your private option that performs care and service efforts. We have an agreement with the municipality and have permission from the Inspectorate for Care and Care. Everyone's equal value is a central pillar of our work. Our core values are based on the fact that you, as a care recipient, should live a dignified life and feel well-being.
Home care is for you who want to stay in your home but need support in the form of care and service.
With customer choice, you have the opportunity and the right to choose who will perform the services at your home. The cost is the same regardless of whether you choose the municipality's home service or a private provider. You are important to us.
We at Ensa Hemtjänst guarantee a professional treatment, promise a high degree of continuity, we take into account your needs, interests and wishes regarding times, routines, feelings, language and staff.
You can change providers at any time, regardless of who performs your home care today. Contact us then we will help you directly.

We have multilingual staff that we match with you as a care recipient so you can develop good communication even if Swedish is not your native language. It is important to us that you feel safe and secure with the same staff every day.
Apply for assistance in the municipality where you live. An aid worker will contact you to book a home visit where you can tell what you need help with.
You will be told which services you have been granted.
Choose Ensa home service as your home service provider.
We will contact you
to plan your home care together with you.